Supplement brand – Selftape Instructions from the Director

Please ensure you locate your role below and watch all applicable videos/read all scripts and submission instructions before filming/submitting anything. 

  • Please Complete and upload your videos to this Jotform
  • Selftape due Date 7th of January, 2024 (or before)
  • Shoot date Tuesday, 23rd of January, 2024 
Please make sure you are available before submitting.
  • Location – Brisbane and surrounds.
  • Pay range starting at $3000 per role. 

Director – Hailey Bartholomew (Take a look at her work) 


We are seeking talented actors for a tvc that places a strong emphasis on facial expressions to convey emotions and storytelling. This project will showcase the power of non-verbal communication through compelling facial performances. We welcome actors with diverse backgrounds and experiences. 
Looking for: 

• Ability to convey a range of emotions convincingly through facial expressions in a short time.

• Strong understanding of the character's journey or motivation.

• Comfortable experimenting with various facial expressions to find the most authentic and impactful ones for the role/you.

Role 1

Cramp Coming

1. Cramp Coming.pdf

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Male 26-30ish 

We need a good looking and strongly built man with an appealing energy. 
In this spot our actor will need to be topless and laying in amongst the sheets in a bed… sleeping initially but then suddenly a cramp takes over and his face contorts. Would love someone who can show me their ability to switch gears on a dime. Not a slow change in expression but sudden. 

- Ideally film this from overhead while on a bed with good lighting. You’ll need someone to hold the camera or use a good tripod. Ideally with your shirt off please.

-Do one version as a close up on your face and one from waist up. 

Important. This must look real and not faked. The pain has to be intense and the relief strong but it must be felt not ‘shown’. 

Here are the series of moments that need to occur in the 25-30 seconds:

Lie relaxed in the bed

Feel the cramp coming. (choose one in your leg, Hamstring, Calf, on the foot. You choose)

Cramp hits (this is about a second or two). (It’s okay to make sound in your reactions.)

Stretch the muscle in order to relieve it (this can take a longer). 

Finally the muscle cramp subsides 

Relax. ‘Bliss.’

Version 1 (waist up)  

- do a version that takes 30 second. Take your time. Playing out the scene in 25 seconds

Version 2 (close up) 

- do a version where the cramp comes on very painfully and suddenly and then goes in an instant, giving way to relief. (this one can be around 10 seconds)

Version 3 (waist up)

Give us one more version with your spin on it. You can do one that is VERY Painful and the relief is huge.

Version 4:

Make this one more subtle.

Also Include: 

Chat to camera - Please do a chat to camera (30second to a 90seconds is enough)- Speak directly into camera. Imagine you are talking to a friend). Tell a weird/funny/embarrassing story about a time you experiences sleeplessness or a cramp.

Include an ID – Name, Age, height, Agent, Location – Availability for the shoot dates.

Role 3

Just smile through it (PMT) - Ethical Nutrients

4. Just smile through it (PMT).pdf

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28-34 yr old woman smiling through pain as if she couldn’t be happier… until tears give her away. We have all experienced times where you are holding it together trying to convince everyone you are ok but you are seriously not and your eyes leak and reveal the truth. 

Camera - Use great lighting and get a lovely a close shot on your face.  

Version 1:

Within a max 30 sec please give us your own version of "smiling through pain as if you couldn’t be happier… until tears give you away."

Version 2:

Emulate this reference over 30 seconds.  Reference: (Pearl closing credits scene)

Version 3.
- now switch it up and try a version where you start with the crying but then end in a stoic smile.

Version 4:

Can we have an outrageous version, give it your all version. Too big even!

Also Include:

Chat to camera - Please do a chat to camera (30second to a 90seconds is enough)- Speak directly into camera. Imagine you are talking to a friend). Tell a weird/funny/embarrassing story about a time you experiences sleeplessness or a cramp.

 Include an ID – Name, Age, height, Agent, Location – Availability for the shoot dates.

Role 4

Cramping or Crunching? - Ethical Nutrients

5. Cramping or Crunching?.pdf

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Woman 55yrs face smiling and then changing to become contorted with exertion. Camera will reveal she was doing a stomach crunch. We need an actor who can switch quickly between delightful smile to exertion/cramp. 

 Ideally shoot this from above from the chest up as you do real crunches. You’ll need someone to hold the camera or smart phone. Keeping face centred. Possibly use yoga mat, grass or something similar so it is comfortable for you to work.

Version 1:

We want to confuse people – ‘is this crunching or a painful cramp.’  

Version 2:

- I would love a version that is nice and tight on your face so I can really see your expressions as you switch from smile to cramp. 


Version 3:

- in this version push it a little further toward a super extreme cramp that has you nearly screaming out in pain and then lets try some more subtle but crunch versions where you are up to maybe 30 crunches and really feeling it but not in the ‘red zone!’ 

Also include: 

Chat to camera - Please do a chat to camera (30second to a 90seconds is enough)- Speak directly into camera. Imagine you are talking to a friend). Tell a weird/funny/embarrassing story about a time you experiences sleeplessness or a cramp.

- Include an ID – Name, Age, height, Agent, Location – Availability for the shoot dates.

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